The Fran Dunphy way: Turning coaching into lifelong bonds
Former Temple head coach and Big 5 legend Fran Dunphy recently announced his retirement from coaching after a Hall of Fame career.
Former Temple head coach and Big 5 legend Fran Dunphy recently announced his retirement from coaching after a Hall of Fame career.
The Temple News surveyed more than 150 students about their sense of community on campus.
Here is the current state of vacant lots and green spaces around North Central, and how more options can improve quality of life.
Temple's reputation crumbled under the former President Jason Wingard. Here's why students and faculty think the school is heading back in the right direction.
Since President Joe Biden's student loan forgiveness plan changed, first-generation students at Temple continue to navigate their financial burdens while pursuing their education.
The TEAM IMPACT program matches children with illnesses and disabilities with athletes from a number of Temple's sports teams.
The first of a three part “Know Before You Rent” series highlights the challenges international students face when renting in North Philly.
TTN Plus will allow The Temple News to create a greater focus on community reporting, data-driven projects, investigations and other longfrom journalism assignments.
While the number of Temple University Army ROTC cadets has remained steady in recent years, overall U.S. military recruiting has decreased.
Seventy percent of Temple’s class of 2020 borrowed student loans. The class also owes an average of $39,913.